Ten days after I finished tattooing and began maternity leave back in July 2023, I was faced with a difficult decision to make. As some of you know, the Tecoma studio had been experiencing some structural issues that began only weeks after I officially took over the space and continued for the 18 months of my tenure there.
As a result of this problem I was only able to use half of the shop which was extremely limiting. I could never truly fit out the space the way I imagined, perpetually in a temporary layout. Unable to invite others in to share the space and the management of the problem was incredibly stressful.
It reached the point where it was no longer doable for all parties involved for me to stay in the Tecoma space. The shop itself was deteriorating and a fix to the problem was nowhere in sight. So, having to make a quick and difficult decision to leave, at 39 weeks pregnant I was moving my things out of the studio and saying goodbye to Tecoma for good. To say the timing was terrible is an understatement. The timing was absolutely shocking. But – the world works in mysterious ways. I didn’t have to worry about the problem with the Tecoma space while I was in my baby bubble but I had the uncertainty ahead, where am I going to work? What am I going to do now?? I was planning on being in Tecoma for the best part of a decade…
Fast forward a few months. I’m venturing out of the house, I’m looking. I’m brainstorming what it is I might do, what I’m looking for, what avenue to go down. I had my eye on one space in particular, I pondered on it continuously for months thinking how perfect it might be if only I knew how to lease it, if only it were available… but how? Until one afternoon driving around the Dandenong Ranges I spotted a tiny handwritten sign in the window “for lease” and a phone number. It was so hard to see I had to go back the next day to have a closer look. Was what I saw in fact what I thought I saw?
It was…
Stunning natural light, a little balcony, garden, and neighbour to one of the most amazing bakehouses in the hills. My friend said to me when she saw it, “That is Quaint as F**K!!!” Which it totally is and I adore it! I can’t wait for you to visit my new little dream space.